silengen generator

Silent Generators: It’s Not Just About Decibels

When discussing ultra-silent generators, or hyper-silent models, we refer to machines capable of operating at a noise level below 55dB measured 7 meters away while running at 75% of their nominal load. Reducing noise below 55dB is extremely challenging; the difference between 54dB and 53dB is noticeable and significant, unlike the barely perceptible difference between[…]

silenziare gruppo elettrogeno

How to Improve the Acoustic Level of the Generator Without Modifying It

There are alternatives to Silengen…But they suck. Starting from this self-referential but absolutely true point, let’s review the various solutions you can adopt to improve the acoustic performance of a silenced generator without modifying it. First, it’s important to emphasize that you should not modify the generator. I’ll explain why with a simple and already[…]

Diesel Generators

Why Are Diesel Generators Usually So Noisy? Where Does the Noise Come From?

The human hearing range spans from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Frequencies below this range are called infrasound (frequencies elephants can hear), while higher frequencies are called ultrasound (frequencies bats can hear). High frequencies are particularly intense for the human ear: the most sensitive range for human hearing is between 2,000 Hz and 4,000 Hz.[…]

How to Silence a Generator

How to soundproof a generator set in 4 steps. One of the top 6 mistakes made when buying a generator is choosing an open frame generator over a quiet generator. However, it happens that for various reasons we find ourselves with a generator without a hood, perhaps because it is an “inherited” generator set or[…]

vibration coin

The “Coin Test”: the generator does not vibrate and the coin stands up. Magic? No, Silengen!

Have you ever heard about the “test of the ten pences” exceeded in 1906 by the Rolls Royce cars? It is putting a coin standing up on the dashboard, turning on the car/engine and speeding up, the coin must stand in equilibrium.  The “Times” newspaper  considered the car dangerous because it was so silent that[…]